
Epic For All Youth

Sunday Evenings
6:00 - 7:30pm in the Student Center


EPIC is an awesome time of fun, food, friendship, worship, and Bible Study. Our youth group is combined middle and high school students who are super friendly, encouraging to one another and deeply loved by the youth leaders. Don't miss EPIC every Sunday night at 6:00pm.

Something Else 

On the last EPIC of each month, we do something else called “Something Else.” These activities take place on or off-campus, and provide a great opportunity to invite your friends.  

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighborhood as yourself.   Luke 10:27

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Lenten Art Project
We want to bring inspiration and creativity to El Morro Church. We believe our faith can only fully come alive when we engage our WHOLE self and senses. Would you submit art in any medium (photography, glass, painting, sketching, poetry, etc.) representing the theme: Hope Is... We will display it through the Easter season in the foyer to lead us to a deeper understanding of the Hope of Easter!
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