Building Strong Men of Faith, Leadership, and Purpose

At El Morro, our Men’s Ministry exists to equip and encourage men to grow in their faith, lead with integrity, and serve with purpose. We believe that God calls men to be strong spiritual leaders in their families, workplaces, and communities, and we’re here to help men develop the biblical foundation needed to live out that calling.

Consistent with the mission of our church, the purpose of our Men’s Ministry is to extend the Love of Christ, Reach people for Christ, and help people Grow in the image of Christ. We have a number of special events and ministries that help us accomplish this purpose including Growth Groups, Men’s Breakfasts, and Service Projects. 

Lenten Devotional
We need YOU to write a one page devotion for our Lenten Devotional! Contact the church office by phone (528-0391) or email ( to volunteer.
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