First Impressions

Greet all God's people in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:21

The Biblical Call to Hospitality and Greeting

Over 80 times in Scripture, we find reference to the ministry of greeting and the call to extend hospitality is referenced many times as well. Hebrews 13:2 even says, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”    

Recent surveys found that the majority of people visiting a church for the first time decide within ten minutes whether or not they are open to coming back. One survey states that one of the top three questions people ask when visiting a church is, “Is this a friendly place.” Since we are for the people of the Coast, being friendly and hospitable is very important to us! People matter! YOU matter!

If you're interested in serving in or finding out more about First Impressions Ministry, please contact our church office at (805) 528-0391.

Hospitality Team

The Hospitality Team is responsible for setting up and cleaning up refreshments for our Sunday Morning Worship Services.

2 Timothy 3:16-17


Greeters are stationed at various places on our campus as well as within our Worship Center for the purpose of welcoming people and helping assist them with any of their needs, including finding their way around our campus.


Ushers assist people as they make their way into the Worship Center. Additionally, ushers help distribute the elements during our times of communion. 

Lenten Art Project
We want to bring inspiration and creativity to El Morro Church. We believe our faith can only fully come alive when we engage our WHOLE self and senses. Would you submit art in any medium (photography, glass, painting, sketching, poetry, etc.) representing the theme: Hope Is... We will display it through the Easter season in the foyer to lead us to a deeper understanding of the Hope of Easter!
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